You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > Admin


You use the Admin button on the navigation bar to create and maintain Micronet ECOM users, and to replicate data from Micronet.

  1. Select the Admin button on the navigation bar.

Micronet displays the Admin screen showing a list of current Micronet ECOM users.

  1. Optionally, you can change the order in which the users are displayed by clicking on the header of the appropriate column.

For example, to sort the users by name, click on the Name column heading; to sort by warehouse, click on the Warehouse column heading. Click on the same heading again to switch between ascending and descending order.

  1. Optionally, you can search for users by entering a user ID, name or email address into the Search Users field.

You can also enter part of a user ID, name or email address to search for all users containing the characters you enter. For example, by entering "mar" in the screen below, Micronet displays all users containing those letters in either their user ID, name or email address.

  1. Select the magnifying glass or press Enter to search.

Micronet displays all users containing the characters you entered.

  1. To maintain Micronet ECOM users, see:
  1. To print a log report of Micronet ECOM activities, refer to "Log Reports".
  2. To run the replication process to extract information from your live Micronet system and update Micronet ECOM, or to check the status of a replication request, refer to "Replication".
  3. You can also update your company settings for ECOM – see "Company Settings".