You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > 12.10. My Account > 12.10.3. Backorders


If your Micronet system is setup for backorders, the Backorders tab on the My account screen allows customers to view any items on backorder.

  1. Display the My account screen.

Refer to "My Account".

  1. Select the Backorder tab.

Micronet displays the My account screen - Backorder tab showing all items currently on backorder.

  1. Optionally, you can change the order in which the backorders are displayed by clicking on the header of the appropriate column.

For example, to sort the orders by date, click on the Date column heading; to sort by order number, click on the Order No column heading. Click on the same heading again to switch between ascending and descending order.

  1. You can update the screen by clicking the refresh button at the top of the screen.