You are here: 11. Micronet 2.8 Mobile Applications > 11.7. FIELD SERVICE Menu > 11.7.1. Field Service - Jobs > Signature


When you have entered all job charges, Micronet displays the Signature screen. This screen allows the customer to confirm the materials used on the job, the labour charges and any notes. The customer can also view any company-related information (such as terms and conditions) before they sign off on the job.

The obtain the customer's sign-off for the job:

  1. Hand the PDA to the customer with the Signature screen displayed.
  2. If required, the customer can select the following buttons to check the job details:

If required, scroll by dragging up or down on these screens. When you have finished, select Back to redisplay the Signature screen.

  1. Ask the customer to enter their name in the Customer Name field.

Micronet displays the screen keyboard. For more information about using the screen keyboard, refer to "Using the Screen Keyboard".

  1. The customer can view the terms and conditions by selecting the View button.

Micronet displays the Review screen. The customer must agree to this information before signing off on the job. If required, scroll by dragging up or down on the scroll bars or by tapping the scroll bars. When you have finished, select Back to redisplay the Signature screen.

  1. Ask the customer to tap the I Agree box to signify acceptance of the terms and conditions.

Micronet displays a tick in the I Agree box.

  1. Ask the customer to sign in the box at the bottom of the screen.

By signing in this box, the customer is confirming that the job has been completed and agreeing to the displayed charges.


Technical Tip

If there is a problem with the customer's signature, select Clear Signature in the bottom toolbar and ask the customer to sign again.


  1. Click Finalise to continue.


Technical Tip

The Finalise button is only displayed when all data has been entered.

Micronet displays a warning that you will not be able to edit the job if you proceed.

  1. If you are certain you want to finalise the job, select OK.

Micronet synchronises the PDA to the Micronet database, sending all information back to base so that staff can view the updated details in Micronet. When the synchronisation is finished, Micronet redisplays the calendar for the current day or week. The job you have just completed is removed and any further jobs scheduled for the current day are displayed. For more information, refer to "Viewing your Jobs".