You are here: 10. Third Party Tools > 10.1. Denso Batch Scanner > 10.1.1. Configuring the Micronet Batch Scanner > Configuring the Micronet Batch Scanner

Configuring the Micronet Batch Scanner



The simple handheld scanning solution in Micronet is based on the use of the Denso batch scanner. This scanner has been programmed and setup to interface with Micronet for basic scanning needs, storing scanned items, barcodes and the associated quantities for uploading into Micronet.

BHT-900 Series

BHT-1300B Series



Technical Tip

The scanner can run on either normal alkaline batteries or on Ni-MH rechargeable batteries. If you are using normal alkaline batteries, the switch needs to be set to Alkaline to avoid risk of fire and injury.

If you are using rechargeable batteries, you need to check that the switch is set to Ni-MH (as shown below) to allow the batteries to charge via the USB connection to the host computer.