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Setting Up PC EFTPOS and PINpad


PC EFTPOS Overview

Integrated EFTPOS simply means connecting your terminal with one cable to your Micronet PC, setting up a few options and you are away. Whenever an amount is entered in Micronet that is to be paid for by debit or credit card, Micronet will automatically send the sale amount to the EFTPOS terminal. All the user needs to do is follow the prompts to swipe the customer's card and, if required, enter a PIN number. When the transaction is approved, Micronet will complete the transaction.

The PC EFTPOS product can support all debit and credit transactions that are available to your bank. The product has two integral software components - EFTClient and an EFTSRV. The EFTClient allows for communication between the POS system and the PINpad. The EFTSRV is the piece of software that communicates with the bank. The PC EFTPOS system uses the EFTSRV software to deliver transactions to a modem or similar device for delivery to the host bank.

The EFTSRV can run on any common Windows platform (95, 98, NT, 2000, ME) and uses little memory. Depending on the volume of transactions and your setup, it can be run on the POS server itself or on a back office machine.

The EFTSRV supports the following communication methodologies: